
Set a default location

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Find an area's eBird location code

Find a location code!

Start by entering a 2-letter country code. (Use "GB" for locations in Great Britain.)

      What is an eBird region?

      You can explore eBird data for an entire country, or for a smaller region like a state or province... sometimes, for a specific county or city.

      For example, you can search bird data in all of Canada (CA), in the entire province of Ontario (CA-ON), or just in the city of Toronto (CA-ON-TO).

      The United States, Canada, and Great Britain (GB) are examples of areas where bird data is recorded by top level location, region and sub-region. Many countries, however, do not break down their regions into sub-regions. For example, Sweden's top-level country location code is SE, and Stockholm's location code is SE-AB, and there are no smaller sub-regions classified by eBird.

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